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Quality Standards

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued government-wide guidelines under section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (Public Law 106-554) to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility and integrity of information disseminated by Federal agencies. OMB's interim final guidelines were published in the Federal Register at 66 FR 49,718 on Friday, September 28, 2001. The final guidelines were published in the Federal Register at 67 FR 8452 on February 22, 2002. Each Federal agency is responsible for issuing its own section 515 guidelines. As a result, The National Science Foundation has developed corresponding information quality guidelines.

If you would like to seek a correction under Section 515, please submit a completed NSF Information Correction Form electronically to [email protected], via mail to Section 515 Information Quality Officer; The National Science Foundation; 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22314; or via fax to (703) 292-9084.


At this time, NSF has received no information quality correction requests; however, NSF will update this page if it receives any requests.


Based on the review it has conducted, the National Science Foundation believes that it does not currently produce or sponsor the distribution of influential scientific information (including highly influential scientific assessments) within the definitions promulgated by OMB. As a result, at this time NSF has no agenda of forthcoming influential scientific disseminations to post on its website in accordance with OMB's Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review.